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Hi, We are having a busy month at GAINS. Our goal is to offer one webinar a month but this month we have TWO! As you know we usually have a description of the webinar to give you the information you need to make the decision to spend an hour of your time with us, or not. But, Dan Siegel doesn't really need the usual description. It is always interesting to spend an hour discovering what the "Father of IPNB" has been doing lately. (You may remember last time he talked about IPNB and the UN's Inner Development Goals.) This time we know he has a book due out in November, one he has been working on for quite some time. Here is a link to his upcoming book: Personality and Wholeness in Therapy: Integrating 9 Patterns of Developmental Pathways in Clinical Practice
1217 Wilshire Blvd., ste 3605
Santa Monica, CA 90408